We want every child to leave school as effective and confident communicators who love writing. We teach writing as an individual subject for two lessons each week. Our ‘Units of Work’ in writing have been carefully crafted by expert teachers across our Four School Partnership and link to the grammar curriculum that is being taught in grammar lessons that week. Children produce a complex extended piece of writing every week. In order to do this they talk, plan, write, edit and rewrite during the week.High quality texts are chosen to help ensure that children are inspired in their writing. Children also take part in drama and other speaking and listening activities to formulate ideas about what to write. There is a focus on planning ideas as well as thinking about the task, audience and purpose. Children are taught to write in a variety of styles in context such as narrative, persuasive, journalistic, recounts and reports. Children learn how to vary sentences, make interesting and ambitious word choices, and use grammar and punctuation correctly. Each piece of written work is carefully modelled by teachers and scaffolded through using ‘success criteria’ to guide a child and then marked by highlighting real successes (‘yellow for sunshine’) and an area for improvement (‘green for growth’). Children are taught explicit grammar skills in weekly grammar lessons. These grammar skills are then practised during the weekly writing lessons. Children also have weekly spelling lessons, where children are taught spelling rules and conventions. The children are then given spellings to learn for homework which they are tested on the following week.