On 3rd March 2022 the whole school celebrated Word Aware Day. All of the children and staff dressed up as a Tier 2 word. A tier 2 word is a word that is used enough that most speakers would know what it means, but usually requires explicit instruction (for example, having to look the word up in a dictionary, or apply context referencing, etc.) We chose words that children should use more often in their spoken language and in their written language.
We enjoyed celebrating a wealth of English vocabulary and learnt lots of new words. Children took part in a special assembly and played word games in class.
Research tells us that the size of children’s vocabulary is the best predictor of success in reading comprehension and future attainment more generally, and that children with a poor vocabulary are four times more likely to struggle with reading in adulthood.
Our teachers introduce new vocabulary to your child every day and all of our classes have a vocabulary wall in their classroom. We know that children who read regularly learn much more vocabulary than children who don’t so please keep talking to and reading with your children!