
Our Lady's

Catholic Primary School

'Go shine in the world.'

Staff voice

Staff Questionnaire November 2022

Home Learning - Staff Voice- January to March 2021 


I felt that we were very well prepared: the training both the pupils and staff received on using Google Classroom meant that we were able to move to online learning smoothly.


The school was incredibly supportive in preparing us for remote teaching. The weekly meetings which focused on ‘top tips’ for teaching different subjects were particularly helpful. These were a  welcome opportunity to share good practice with colleagues.


My pupils responded positively to me being able to give them feedback on their learning in real time on Google Classroom.


It was helpful to have a senior leader visiting one of our lessons each week. They shared things that were effective about my teaching online but more importantly, they provided suggestions about what I could do to be even more effective.


I was very reassured with the regular communication, particularly at the start of the pandemic. Also, using Google Classroom was built up over time so that when we first taught on zoom, we felt confident and could use it effectively.


The fact that vulnerable pupils were in the hub meant that they could be well supported by support staff whilst being taught by me, the class teacher. For them, being able to  see other classmates and have their full routine was so important.

The training was invaluable. Because we had gone through everything so clearly and thoroughly, I was actually quite confident teaching from home!


I genuinely feel like I am a better teacher as a result of this experience. I’ve been able to develop a different skill set.



